
St. Anthony's Fire

Went to the doctor today. Remember, that "bite" looking thing on my head? Well, others developed. My eye hurt, blah-blah-blah.

I have shingles. I am a shingles-American. What the fuck?! Since when did I become 87 years-old? My jaw dropped, the doctor laughed (as she stepped back). I laughed. Shingles (Herpes Zoster). I actually have something with the word "herpes" in it.

Wiki sez:
  • "The rash and pain usually subside within 3 to 5 weeks...It affects some 1 million people per year in the United States and can involve excruciating pain." Oh, great...weeks, not days. Weeks. Pain, I'm fine with. But, weeks? Jesus!
  • "This pain can be characterized as stinging, tingling, numbing, or throbbing, and can be pronounced with quick stabs of intensity." Yep. Shit hurts! And, I'm fierce!
  • "Sometimes serious effects including partial facial paralysis (usually temporary), ear damage, or encephalitis may occur. Shingles on the upper half of the face (the first branch of the trigeminal nerve) may result in eye damage and require urgent ophthalmological assessment." Great! I'll be hideous and blind. Fuck!
  • "There have been recorded cases of outbreaks occurring due to unmanaged stress or other stresses to the skin such as pinching in more sensitive areas of the skin (nipples, ears, and underarms), scratching, or biting." I cannot recall anyone biting my nipples recently. WTF?!
Good news: prescribed "rest." I've never had that.
