

Like I said, I've stopped deluding myself with matters of "who can win." I believe that it's far more important to delude oneself with matters of "what it means." Still with me?

  • Exhibit #1: This is a good website. Duh. It's a site that makes sense, isn't pandering (or as pandering), and doesn't assume you're a web novice (like most candidates): [clicky for barackobama.com]
  • Exhibit #2: The chameleon qualities are incredible. He not only answers the "Black Enuff" question, but he does it with swagger, style, and panache: [clicky for video from Selma]
  • Exhibit #3: Was listening to Acrade Fire's "Black Mirror" from "Neon Bible" and I got it. For the first time, the president looks like, well, me.

Win, lose, or fumble. I've picked. Barry Brock Osama Hussein Bin-O'bama. Nice audition, kid.