2) Football's Sean Taylor gets shot (and killed) and he's some sort of hero. Guys were crying on the radio this morning. Sobbing! And, they weren't crying because they either knew him or of his good deeds (other than playing a game for millions of dollars) but because they liked how he played football (for millions of dollars). He was shot in the groin, right? Accident or message?
"I wasn't surprised in the least when I heard the news Monday morning that Sean Taylor had been shot in his home by an intruder. Angry? Yes. Surprised? Not even a little. It was only in June 2006 that Taylor, originally charged with a felony, pleaded no contest to assault and battery charges after brandishing a gun during a battle over who took his all-terrain vehicles in Florida. After that, an angry crew pulled up on Taylor and his boys and pumped at least 15 bullets into his sport-utility vehicle. So why would anybody be surprised? Had it been Shawn Springs, I would have been stunned. But not Sean Taylor."
- Mike Wilbon, Wash Post [clicky]
"There was also an outpouring of grief from fans of the team. Message boards filled with memories, prayers and expressions of sympathy. Candlelight vigils were held, flowers and tokens were left at the team's headquarters. All by people who, with rare exceptions, had never met Taylor and knew him only as a uniformed, and even masked, performer on a football field." [emphasis mine]Fishy, both.
- King Kaufman, Salon [clicky]