
Still Don't Care

Chad Allen
Manny Alexander
Rick Ankiel √
Mike Bell
David Bell √
Gary Bennett Jr.
Marvin Benard
Larry Bigbie
Barry Bonds √
Kevin Brown √
Paul Byrd
Ken Caminiti √
Jose Canseco √
Mark Carreon
Jason Christiansen
Howie Clark
Roger Clemens √
Jack Cust
Brendan Donnelly
Lenny Dykstra √
Bobby Estalella
Matt Franco
Ryan Franklin
Eric Gagne √
Jason Giambi √
Jeremi Giambi
Jay Gibbons
Troy Glaus
Jason Grimsley √
Jose Guillen
Jerry Hairston Jr.
Matt Herges
Phil Hiatt
Glenallen Hill
Darren Holmes
Todd Hundley
David Justice √
Chuck Knoblauch √
Tim Laker
Mike Lansing
Paul Lo Duca
Nook Logan
Josias Manzanillo
Gary Matthews Jr.
Cody McKay
Kent Mercker
Bart Miadich
Hal Morris
David Naulty
Denny Neagle √
Jim Parque
Andy Pettitte √
Adam Piatt
Todd Pratt
Stephen Randolph
Adam Riggs
Brian Roberts
John Rocker √
F.P. Santangelo
Benito Santiago √
Gary Sheffield √
Scott Schoeneweis
David Segui √
Mike Stanton
Miguel Tejada √
Ismael Valdez
Mo Vaughn √
Randy Velarde
Ron Villone
Fernando Vina
Rondell White √
Todd Williams
Jeff Williams
Matt Williams √
Steve Woodard
Kevin Young
Gregg Zaun √

√ - Denotes players I'd still draft for my all-steroid all-star team. And, they'd kick the hell out of your non-steroid all-star team. I don't care. It's their bodies. These guys did a lot of good for the game; made a lot of people happy (and quite a few filthy rich). Am I missing anyone?

I don't care.

Maybe that mope KGJ should have tried something rather than wash out every season.