Those are two elements that make the 12.17 issue of the NYer very good. But the following hidden-in-plain-view-gem will learn your ass something. Thus: semi-monster.
Most people I know would automatically skip this:
Treasure Hunt
Hugh Eakin
How a rare statue of Aphrodite became the
focus of the fight over antiquities, and led to
the fall of a Getty Museum curator.
Page 62
It's not online either.
"It hasn't been surpassed. There are other things that can be equally good, but it's never been surpassed in terms of artistic achievement....Amen.
But if we don't show these things, and we don't interpret them, and we don't use them to educate people, what are they surrounded by? Plastic and bad design and things that have no aesthetic quality at all."
- Marion True, former curator, Getty