What a great summer! Visited with Mark and family then Rich and Sistine visited. Quality times. All BFF all the time. Now it’s all back to the grind before the girl starts kindergarten. Quality times.

Summer reading list recs to date (in chronological order):
SkinemaI’m not concerned with their literary value, but they are basically funny reads. And there’s the depth of Summer 2007.
Dear Diary
Apathy and Other Small Victories
Summer music list recs to date (in chronological order):
Icky ThumpHa! That's about it, son.
On Working. Time for “money getting.” [<-- that means "a job"] It’s time. Time to refill Ty’s Ye Olde Keep Money Bag (Keep Money Bag and the slogan “Workers Have Their Birthdays > Always When They Have Them” is a trademark of BMH Industries of America).
[Note to self: I really wonder if anyone (who knows me) is still surprised at the depth of my selfishness? Naw, nothing to drain my brain over. I really wonder if anyone (who knows me) is still surprised at the depth of my kookiness? Naw, nothing to drain the cabeza cauliflower over]Sam Eig. I’ve been studying up on local history though. That’s like my biggest thing right now. It all started with the question to my self about who the hell Sam Eig of “Sam Eig Highway” was, anyway.
Sam Eig, the developer, the titular father of the Washington/Maryland suburbs (and what an accomplishment, ‘eh?) was singularly responsible for clearing out the great gorilla colonies of Montgomery. The legend of Sam Eig and the great silverbacks of Montgomery had been basically buried until I discovered some dusty texts in the county archive.
Apparently, there was an effort to introduce gorilla colonies as inexpensive labor. It didn’t take, but there were colonies of feral gorillas throughout the colonies until Sam Eig executed his vision.
Here's an excerpt of the story:
Here's an excerpt of the song:Samuel Eig and the Great Silverbacks of Montgomery
You could almost feel their steely eyes upon you traveled throughout the county. Sam Eig had a vision. And contrary to the sanitized legend of a vision of Sam caring “for the community and its young people,” his vision really centered on creating massive personal wealth.
Eig decided that “Townhouses as far as the eye could see” could be realized in greater Montgomery – except for one fact – the silverback gorillas.
“I declare ‘tis us or them!” Roared Eig to the gathered in old town Bethesda in 1732.
[to be continued]
Two Beaver PondSteely eyes looking out at me
The sliverback gorillas of Montgomery
Sam Eig declared "It is them or us!"
His declaration proclamation sparked the rush
Sam Eig was the man who knew this wasn't funny
And he also was a man that like a lot of money
He saw condo after condo for a far as you could see
But the only implement was living in the trees
[to be continued]