So eye of the storm is generally misused. Same with “down town.” As in basketball’s “he’s shooting from down town!” for a long shot. Wouldn’t that be the suburbs? Down town, under the basket, is where the action is. The violence, action, crowding, and hustle of down town happen in the lane; under the basket. That’s down town. A three point shot is “from the suburbs!” So people misuse eye of the storm and down town equally.
Anyway, It’s the calm. It’s the break. It’s the moment of quick reflection. The eye of the storm is a breath before the next beating.
So, here I am: the eye of the storm; a moment of quick reflection.
I’ve been breaking ass with the album and with the book obviously. Both going well, I guess. Hard work (like the presidency). I’m still posting pictures to rhinosnort, but the better shots are being reserved for the book. Most will be unused and reposted to rhinosnot. So, we’ll see. It’s a great experience working with Christine too. Her work pushes my work and hopefully my work pushes her work. Seeing is believing fl whatever that means.
The album, brutally exhausting. But, found a great engineer to help out wit mixing and mastering. Frank did the recording, mixing and mastering of radiomakesmemad. It will be good working with him again. And, since Jason is living in his house until his September move to SF, that may escalate the insurgency to another level (if he even simply offers a modest suggestion, it’ll change things). And, trying to get Dave Wave involved somehow, but haven’t figured that out yet (and I don’t have to right now since I’m in the eye of the storm).
Aside from that, there’s helping friends build cribs; there’s driving around post-op neighbors, and there’s the baseline elements of life that take up most of the available time. As Kim said yesterday, “Thank goodness you’re unemployed, Ty.” Else I’d get nothing done.
I’m considering this nine-month certificate photography program. It looks swell, but I’m feeling that I haven’t figured out what the down side is. Yet. I’m sure something just won’t work (like it’s a program for 14 year-olds or something). I’m sure there’s tons I can/will learn. Serious shit to improve my work. But, I can’t get over the hunch that I’d be paying $21,000 for a (valuable) line on my vita. I have an “admissions interview” next week.
[Speaking of 14 year-olds, I received a text message from my Massachusetts friend, Dan. Dan has to be the last person to get a mobile phone. He’s a highly intelligent 60, ultra-liberal, ex-hippie in Newsburyport. He looks to be 35, max. Just a few months ago, he was all “cell phones are completely unnecessary!” Adamant, was Dan. Then a fucking text message. So I called him (on his new cellie) and bitched him out for being a 14 year-old girl from two years ago with that text messaging. His reply, “It’s cool, man!”But, I realized this morning that I can take a break from art. A very short break. Like, this morning from 10 until noon or something. My historic problem with breaks, or even worse, artistic lulls, has been the fear of “getting it back.” I figure that if there was nothing there, artistically, then that was it. It was over. Time to get a cubicle somewhere and mail it in.
Then he sends me this this morning, "I'm glad you are so fond of text messaging. What about voice messaging (not voice mail, leaving a message, but sending a voice message)! I just learned today I can record voice messages and plop them into your voice mailbox, for a small fee, of course. (Actually, the fee was a bit obscure – same as text messaging plus a "data" charge.) This is not a bad feature, actually, particularly for reaching a bunch of people, say if you were sending 10 people directions to your house -- one message, 10 recipients." WTF?!]
I’ve learned though that lulls are normal and necessary. Breaks should be embraced (so I have another hour of break). So, I’ll take it. Today. For now, before the eye passes.
Alright, I have to go buy groceries for my neighbor. Jesus!
Thumbs Up! Episode 14
Patton Oswald on The Best Show