
Notebook Dump

Occasionally, I find myself jotting notes in more than one notebook. I was currently juggling four. So, to get all thoughts and ideas back to one notebook, I’m jotting down all the things that haven’t been acted upon. Kind of a data dump of sorts.

These are ideas and memory devices. These are quotations overheard. These are opinions. These are puzzles to be worked out. Some things will make no sense (to you or me). Whatever.
What is diversity?


Discovery marketing.

Snob appeal.


“…encountering temptations and antagonisms to which he is no longer equal.”

Such a wonderful shape; the shape of things to come.

You tried
You failed
You’re not funny

Getting back to seeing


Displaced by shrillness of the leotard saleswoman.

Sorry, buy you cannot dress up your nasty feet with a toe ring.


Leonard Cohen – Sisters of Mercy

Looking for Lewis

There’s a certain purity, a perfection sought
Something if not wholly unattainable
Then something nonexistent

My knees are going.

It could be called a calling.

- “Yeah, and my mother’s Carman Miranda”
- “I like cocoa”
- “Put on the Price is Right, it’s on Channel 7.”

Let’s not bother with what it all means.

The Great Escape

Interspersion: A-B-A-C-B-A-C-A / 1-1-2-1-2-3-2-4

I bet LinkedIn is like some huge hoop vehicle…should be called “HookedUp.” Of course, there’s probably already a “HookedUp[dot]com.”

Manifestation of our discontent.

Sure dissonance reduction is a factor. Sure reconciling wants is a factor. But most modern (public) behavior sums out to our overt interactions with our personal and collective discontent.


Jean-Pierre Weill

Flight of the Concords