Who knew? I thought Tommy and company was so off the radar that it wasn't ever likely to hit the print pages of a publication like RS. Who knew? Full disclosure, I'm a card carrying FOT.
From RS:

In the seventies, Led Zeppelin and The Who spent the hours on the road listening to their prized bootleg Derek and Clive tapes. These days, Tom Scharpling and Jon Wurster are the traveling rock musician's comedy duo of choice, inspiring a fanatical MP3-trading cult. Like an indie-rock Bob and Ray, they improvise long, absurd dialogues about characters like the Music Scholar (the snob who dismisses the Beatles as "ear candy") and Mother 13 (the loser band plugging its gig at the Earthlink/Pringles Summer Slam Jam). If they remind you of jerks you know, or maybe the jerk you are, that's the point.
Who knew this is what the kids were listening to on the road. Makes sense I suppose.
I knew S&W had discs out, but I never felt obligated to purchase since I was all caught up from listening to The Best Show on WFMU. Buy the records if you want, but purists will want to go through the complete archives of the Best Show (dating back to the October 24, 2000 show titled "Yankees vs. Mets").
As always, I guess I'll have to find something else that's all mine. Oh, the show is on live every Tuesday from 8:00 to 11:00 (at night) on WFMU (and there's podcasts and shit too).
[WFMU is an independent freeform radio station broadcasting at 91.1 fm in the New York City area, at 90.1 fm in the Hudson Valley, and live on the web in Realaudio, or in Windows Media, as well as two flavors of MP3, and all programs archived in MP3 and Realaudio.]