
Ask Ty...May 14

Q: So why all the art, Ty?

- Assorted people over the past 30 years

Ty: Good question and an even better observation.
“I love the way capitalism finds a place—even for it enemies. It’s definitely boom time in the discontent industry.”

- Banksy

“It looks like art because it is.”

- Garfield Cadets, 1984

“It's about sex and it's about subversion and it's about having enough style to make the first two points.”

- Malcolm McLaren
I’ve been trying to answer this question for thirty years. Why all the art? Why the murals on the bedroom walls? Why the photos displayed so carefully? Why the installations?

Art is more than what you do, it’s a lifestyle. Not the weak “artist” lifestyle of bad clothes, bad parties, and bad art. But, a lifestyle devoted to an inner aesthetic that you cannot control. Compulsions. Obsessions. Breathing. Eating. Fucking. Arting.

I don’t know. But, here are some Free Milk Seminar rejects:
El Lefty

The Shepherd
Just a guess!
