
My Incredible Life: Chapter 1,124 - Correspondence

From a newish friend and somewhat out of context. But, context - while being everything - isn't everything:

Kissing a banana slug... not enough dope in the world to get me to do that.

King Kauffman.... small effin' world!! Do you know him? He was in my circle of friends in SF... back then he was Gary Kauffman. We never really clicked...were more on a friend-of-friends level... but he did adopt my potent Christmas Swedish liqueur recipe...as a crazy friend of ours said at a party through a 1000-watt grin, "It's like mescaline!" I hear Gary... or King... still makes it every year.

I mentioned St Louis because I thought of Gary and his wife Jane moving there. Gary never wanted to leave SF but Jane was from the Midwest. I hear they bought a nice house and Gary likes it there. There is a deeper sense of tradition in the East and Midwest compared to California... you tend to live out the Norman Rockwell paintings. I just went apple and pumpkin picking (and cider doughnut scarfing) with my 3-year old niece; classic New England. A friend of mine who grew up in LA thinks those photos are all staged in a back lot somewhere.

Yes, there are pockets of hipness and thought everywhere, I guess. Just not in Kansas. That's Jesus's land.

So much to ponder and consider. So much...