Here's a partial (and all are either geniuses or artists or both):
- Rich (CA)
- Dafe (FL)
- Mac (CA)
- Creed (CA)
- Tim (Japan)
- Mike (VA)
- Saty (MD)
- 'Varo (MD)
- Edfu (MA)
So finally. FINALLY after years of prodding he throws up a site. Boom!
Duh! Take a look: [clicky, suckas!] All Mike; all perfect.
And, keep in mind four very important things:

- He develops and prints his own stuff. All film, people.
- Everything here looks 1000 times better in person.
- You may not be able to afford it.
- And, unlike me (who'll take a photo of anything), Mike's serious.
- Bonus: that image over there on the right? --> It's copyright Mike Kwiatkowski '07. No schnebbling!