
My Conversation With Mary

So, when in California, I always make it a point to go to the grocery store. Even if on business, I head to the grocery store. Why? It's the love!

I live in one of the surliest customer service area in America (tm). So, it's always a treat and a shock to shop in California.

My Conversation with Mary
Why Are You Being So Nice to Me? Do I Have Cancer?

Albertsons in North San Diego
Mary (checker): Hello, good morning! Did you find everything you were looking for?

Me (dumbass): Uh, yeah. Thanks, in fact I did.

Mary: Do you want to type in your phone number for your savings?

Me: Uh, thanks, but I'm not from this region.

Mary: Oh, where are you visiting from?

Me: Uh, D.C. Uh, Maryland.

Mary: Oh, that's terrific! Are you visiting friends?!

Me: Uh, yeah. Good friends from small times.

Mary: Great! Well, you can enter their number for your savings.

Me: Uh, yeah, uh, I don't know their number...uh, it's in my phone...uh, back at their house.

Mary: Oh, that's too bad. You can use mine. Type in: 858-243-1876.

Me: Uh, oh, I already pushed the payment button.

Mary: Oh, I'll just back you right out of that!

Me: Uh, O.K.

Mary: O.K. 858...243...

Me: Uh, 8

Mary: 1876.

Me: O.K.

Mary: There you go! Seventy-two cents savings! Enjoy your day and have a great trip!

Me: Uh...
Ha! The best part was Mary wasn't putting on some show. She was sincerely nice and eager to help me find what I needed and to save me that $.72. If it killed her, she was going to make me happy. The best part was that there was another customer behind me. She was totally cool and patient about waiting fro dumb ass me. She even smiled and nodded my direction.

This is what I've become accustomed to:

My Conversation with [Blank, Crooked Name Tag]
Why Am I Giving These People My Money? Am I Stupid?

CVS in Northwest D.C.
[Blank, Crooked Name Tag] (checker): Next!

Me (dumbass): Good morning!

[Blank, Crooked Name Tag]: Huh?

Me: Uh....