
Unemployment Diary - The Housekeeper

So, will this be awkward?

When the cleaning woman comes, where do I go? Do I just pretend they're not here and keep pecking away at the keyboard? Do I take a walk and go get some coffee? Do I hang out on the sofa in my boxers and watch Tyra? Do I make 'em coffee? Do I Help?

I have to hang out near the door so that when she comes in I don't scare the crap out of her by being down in my studio wearing headphones and dancing about.

Oh, I see they just arrived and went over to my neighbor's house. Next door. That's good. So, maybe when they come here I can go over there and just hang out in her house. I wonder if they have cable? I've never watched TeeVee over ther except for about five minutes of football (this in six years).

Ty: "Hi."
Rossy: "Hello, Mr. Ty."
Ty: "Uh...."
Rossy: "Yes?"
Ty: "I'm, uh, gonna go next door"
Maybe I'll clean before she comes - well, this is kind of funny since I just did some spot cleaning of the studio carpet (no, not bongwater, smartasses) and by the way spot cleaning is like trimming a mustache...hard to know where to stop. Mental note, by the way, studio (The Otis) should be a sans shoes environment.

Anyway, I think I'm going to take a walk when the cleaning people come.

Being unemployed is hard ass work.