
Fool On The Hill

I am no longer a Democrat. Nor am I a Republican. Let’s clear that up from the start. I don’t buy into that blue vs. red state nonsense. My belief structure isn’t controlled by anyone else. I’m no party-liner. I figure out what my beliefs are on my own, for the most part. Oh, there are ways to influence my beliefs, however. I’m all for a compelling argument.

So, perhaps it is really no surprise that I’m all for Hillary Clinton to be our next president. When I test float this notion, I get one of two responses: 1) People ask, indignantly, “why?” 2) I’m fed the Republican spin-house lines, “Hillary can’t win. She’s unelectable. She’s too divisive.” How do I know this is coming from the Republican camp? Well, I hear my conservative friends saying it. I read it on the conservative blogs. I understand that our boy, Rush, has used the line. Repeatedly. If they really believed she couldn’t – wouldn’t win – their strategy would be to support her candidacy -- to help the unelectable get the nomination. Oh yeah, before I forget, she was purportedly unelectable as senator for New York too. Whatever, she won with approximately 55% of the vote. Sorry Rick Lazio, you got whipped!

Oh what does she stand for? Hell, I don’t know. I don’t really care either. Blah-blah-blah, she supports the war, she doesn’t have opinions on anything, and she’s trying to prove a point. So. Go read all about her for yourself (and maybe you’ll see through the propaganda). Read, people, read for crying out loud. Think for yourselves and stop being the mouthpiece for the Republican spin machine. That behavior is just weak.

Senator Clinton is qualified to be president. She knows politics. She knows the system. She knows congress. She knows people. She knows how to get (and lose) topic support. She’s expert at all issues important to the U.S. And, most importantly, she’s Teflon. She’s Kevlar. She’s Teflar or Kevlon. What can you say about her that hasn’t been said? Uh, that she killed someone? They tried that. Uh, that she’s a lesbian? Tried that too. That she’s too liberal? Good luck. She’s tougher than you’ll ever be, my friends. She’s a survivor.

Remember the 1993 White House healthcare fiasco? That Hillary was diving into issues to complex for the little First Lady? That she hadn’t a clue? Well, what is on or near the top of every American’s list of concerns right about now? Maybe we should fault her for being too advanced; too ahead of her time. Just ask Newt.

She’s done her job. Her record is solid. She is clearly repositioned as a new centrist. Big whoop, right? And, she can locate Darfur on a map.

Anyway, all I’m saying is stop buying the talking points and explore the issues yourself and get over your hang-ups. Hillary is a winner – and we all know this – she’s also very competent, and she is probably the most qualified person in the country to be president. This is just too easy a statement given our current leadership, but I do believe this.

Too divisive? Oh, that’s right. Bush is a uniter, not a divider. Yeah, I guess she hasn’t a chance. Wake the hell up, people!