
I'm So Happy For You

From a good friend:

"So, for the past 4 weeks, I've been going light on the masturbation. No shakey-shakey, no two-handed, lubed-up butter churning, no big butts twisty McSpanky (just writing it makes my mouth water), and so on. It's not a total ban, but a reduction in skeet shooting I did this because about 4 weeks ago I hit a deep and dark low. Plus, my entire family is horny.

So, 4 weeks in, I have to say I feel GREAT. I'm generally more optimistic, more sanguin, less moody, and less snappy. Not that masturbation was such a huge part of my sex life, but I think the family history and propensity toward autoerotcism means that my body might process it slightly differently than other people.

I don't know. I don't have any answers. But I can say, it's been a good month inside my pants."
